P. E. T – Pemuteran Environmental Trust

Established in June 2009 after significant debate, PET is a collective effort by like-minded individuals to solicit donations from the users of the Pemuteran Marine Assets. These donations are distributed on a merit basis to Marine Conservation, Coastal Management and Community Projects. As one of the active members of PET, we at Reef Seen Divers’ Resort, kindly request all our guests to assist us by participating in this program. When you have enjoyed and seen the benefits of our work here, whether diving, snorkelling or just relaxing on the beach, a minimum contribution of Rp 25,000 per person will be added when you pay your bill – of course, larger contributions are always accepted and appreciated!
By donating to PET you help secure the future of the environment in Pemuteran, along with the development of the existing positive initiatives, and allow us to work with the community to manage the destination for the benefit and enjoyment of future generations. 100% of the funds coming into the projects go to the projects, with no large bureaucracy to eat up the funds.PET Members: Reef Seen Divers’ Resort, Easy Divers, Werner Lau, Bali Diving Academy, Sea Rovers.

Should you wish to assist us further, whether it be to help promote these projects or just to make a donation, please contact us by email for further details.

My thanks to you all, whether you have previously visited us and/or plan to visit us. It all helps in one way or another to help us help those in need. It also means that we all, in some small way, are helping to save the world.

Christopher E. Brown.
Reef Seen Divers’ Resort.